10 Eco-Friendly Laundry Tips from EC30

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Have you ever stopped to consider what the environmental effects of doing laundry are? The truth is, they are more staggering than you’d imagine. Inefficient laundering habits expend unnecessary energy, water-waste, CO2, and volatile organic compounds (VOCs), making the laundry room one of the most toxic rooms in your house.


Small changes in your habits can have a hugely positive impact on the environment. We have TEN eco-friendly laundry tips to help you minimize the effects of your home.


Use cold water when washing.

This will save a considerable amount of energy and extend the lifespan on your clothes.


Hang dry your laundry

when possible. The dryer uses the second most energy of your household appliances, behind the fridge. It also can emit 25 VOCs and hazardous air pollutants. By foregoing the dryer, you can save money and help the environment. Talk about a win-win!


Did you know?
EC30 is smaller and lighter than liquid detergents. This means fewer trucks are needed to ship the product. Fewer trucks = 75% fewer emissions


Did you know?
EC30 packaging is made of compostable Bamboo fiber


Only wash full loads

The washing machine on average uses 40 gallons of water per load. By washing full loads, you will reduce your water waste.


Wear your clothes and use your towels more than once before laundering.

This will help you save resources and expend less energy.



If you decide to use the dryer, use wool balls instead of dryer sheets

Dryer balls help reduce drying time, wrinkles and static but don’t emit the same harmful VOCs as sheets.


Use solid or powdered detergents, like EC30 ;)

The packaging for these types of detergents are usually recyclable. Less plastic is always better in our book!


Did you know?
EC30 is 100% biodegradable


Did you know?
EC30 only contains the ingredients needed. No fillers or preservatives


Don’t overuse detergent.

The more detergent you use, the more chemicals will enter the waterways. Solid forms or detergent pacs are an easy way to measure the amount of detergent you need.


Avoid using chlorine bleach.

Instead, use oxygen bleach because it can naturally break down in the air.


Upgrade to an energy-efficient washer and dryer.

These energy-efficient systems help to reduce energy and water wast


Limit dry cleaning.

Dry cleaners are notorious for their chemical pollution, so if your laundry doesn’t absolutely need dry cleaning, wash your items at home!


Did you know?
Washing and drying your garments more sustainably contributes to an eco-conscious household. We know that zero-waste living doesn’t happen overnight, but every little bit helps!

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